How to Attract a Man – A Woman’s Guide

Admittedly there are lots of women out there who seem to have no problem attracting all the right men, while others can’t seem to even get their feet wet in the dating game. If the latter describes you, then this guide will come in handy for how you can attract the right man for you and keep him in your life forever. Every man is different in what they’re attracted to as far as physical attractions go, however, on a more emotional/intellectual note, men are pretty much the same. So here are a few ideas on how you can attract a man and hopefully be swept off your feet into the sunset.

What’s On the Outside Does Count

Okay so while your personality and characteristics are what will keep a man, your physical appearance is what will attract a man to begin with. It is important to keep in mind that men are very visual creatures. They will first look at your outer appearance to determine if they are attracted to you. Therefore you want to be sure that you look your best every time you set foot outside your door. No you don’t have to be dressed prim and proper from head to toe if you’re going to the Laundromat. However, it’s not advised that you go outside looking like you just hopped out of bed either. You could meet your prince charming at any time and this is the first thing that will draw him to you.

Remain a Mystery

Women sometimes make the mistake of bearing all right away. If you want any chance at getting into a relationship with a guy you’re going to need to be mysterious in some ways. Keep them guessing, leave him wanting more and this will certainly attract a man. Don’t always accept his offer to go out on a date; don’t always pick up on the first ring. If you give him everything from the beginning, there is nothing left to interest him about you which makes you less attractive to him.

Be Fun and Outgoing

Most men love the idea of being with a cool woman. You can attract a man by being a woman who is able to let her hair down and have a good time. Guys would love someone who does not cause or promote drama, who can hang with the “guy friends”, and let’s them hang out on their own without giving them hell for it.

Body Language Says a Lot

The easiest way for a woman to attract a man is to use her womanly figure and characteristics. Nothing pleases a guy more than someone who flirts with him, and laughs at his jokes whether they are funny or not. Playful comments, eye contact, and maybe even a gentle touch here and there are great ways to attract a man. Stroke their ego so to speak and really focus on him and not yourself as much. They will begin to see from your body language that you’re into them, and if they are into you, they will let it show.

The Language of Desire

The Language of Desire is relationship program for women. The reason it is making our list is because it deals with one aspect of relationship people often shy away from. The subject of SEX. The Language of Desire dives into the world of dirty talk and sexual fantasies and reveal how a shy woman can develop enough confidence to explore her sexual side without fear of being rejected or judge. The programs teaches women how to arouse and satisfy the sexual desire of their man keeping him permanently hooked for life. You can check out the program here Language of Desire by Felicity Keith

The best way to attract a man is to just be yourself. You don’t want to go about changing yourself so much that even you don’t know who you are because you’ll never be happy. If you’ve tried these steps to get the attention of a guy you like and he doesn’t respond, you may just need to set your sites elsewhere.

Editors Note: If you’re in love with a man who is hard to pin down, afraid of commitment, and expects you to do all the work in the relationship, here is something you can do to change things (Click Here)

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